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Handmade Flower Press Collaboration

A new collaboration!!! My art on handmade flower presses!! I can’t remember when I first fell in love with Rody & Rory‘s amazing flower presses, but I was instantly hooked. I’ve since purchased them as gifts and absolutely love using my own! It’s a beautiful…


Garden Sketchbook Journal Late Summer Update

Hi friends! I hope you have enjoyed following along in my Garden Sketchbook Journal this summer! You can visit part 1 and part 2 if you missed those. This project has been so much fun… just painting for myself without any pressure! It has…

Flowers Inspiration

Free Printable Flower Bouquet Tags

We are in the peek of cutting garden season and I have to say, I am LOVING it. All the hard work is paying off and I’m harvesting buckets of blooms each day! It’s truly a thrill. I’m covering my entire house in flower…