Behind the Scenes

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #49

Pretty Ordinary gives you a sneak peek into Lily & Val behind the scenes! On Lily & Val Living!

For this week’s Pretty Ordinary Friday #49, we’re documenting snapshots of our week. While our pictures may not be the prettiest or the most interesting, we enjoyed each instance and want to remember them! These are the behind-the-scenes, in-between moments – the small peeks that would otherwise be forgotten. Join us as we use this series to scrapbook the unedited, memorable happenings at Lily & Val and what is inspiring our team!

The team says:

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #49 showcases flowers and cookies, watercolor painting, Adda coffee shop in Pittsburgh1. “I have the sweetest husband! I came home one day this week to flowers and freshly-baked cookies! It made my day.” Valerie

2. “I spent a lot of time this week practicing with watercolors! This is the beginning of a Holiday 2017 design! I can’t wait to share.” –Valerie

3“One of my current favorite breakfast go-tos – chia pudding with dried fruit and an almond milk latte from Adda in Shadyside! I love starting my morning here.” -Valerie

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #49 shares Heinz History Center Flea Market, Chalk drawing, art studio4“Mak and I went to the Neighborhood Flea at the Heinz History Museum on Saturday. We found this amazing map of Pittsburgh from the 1800’s! It’s now hanging in our living room.” -Valerie

5. “More holiday greenery art in the works! I just love how dusty miller translates so well to the texture of chalk.” -Valerie

6. “Painting Strategy 101: Get Messy!” -Alivia

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #49 includes Elmo cookies idea from Pinterest, Simsbury Connecticut, Daffodils7“My sister pulled out her Pinterest file for the cupcakes for my nephew’s first birthday party.  I helped by eating the other half of the Oreo’s that made up Elmo’s mouth!” -Maureen

8. “My daughter loved the State Park that is adjacent to my sister’s property in Simsbury Connecticut.  We spent time walking around the lake and enjoying being with family we don’t get to see nearly enough!” –Maureen

9. “I’m a big fan of the yellow flowers.” –Julie

Lily and Val blog posts dogs at Frick Park, Pittsburgh, sleeping dogs and cats10“Boo.” -Julie

11. “Can I put in a request to be a dog in my next life?  All she has to do all day is eat, sleep and cuddle.  ” –Maureen

12. “Twin kitties doing perfect Half-Pike Swimmers Dive into Dreamland.” –Alivia

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