Behind the Scenes

Pretty Ordinary Friday #36

Pretty Ordinary gives you a sneak peek into Lily & Val behind the scenes! On Lily & Val Living!

For the Pretty Ordinary series, we’re documenting snapshots of our week that may not be the prettiest or the most interesting, but we enjoyed each instance and want to remember them! These are the behind-the-scenes, in-between moments – the small peeks that would otherwise be forgotten. Join us as we use this series to scrapbook the unedited, memorable happenings at Lily & Val and what is inspiring our team!

Pink and green theme for photo shoot, Holly Nichols illustrated tote bag from Saks, hand lettered chalk drawing French toast recipe in progress1. “A few pretties from one of the photo shoots in the office this week! Even though it’s freezing outside, we’re feeling springy!” Valerie

2. Holly Nichols is one of my favorite illustrators and I got her Sak’s tote for Christmas! A great travel companion.” –Valerie

3“Back at it with recipe illustrations in the studio this week! I like the simple recipes best.” -Valerie

Nemacolin Woodlands Resort beautiful floral setting, Nemacolin architecture inspired by Paris, globe, macarons, and Lily & Val pouch photo shoot4“One of the things I loved most about Nemacolin Resort was the amazing and creative flower arrangements!” -Valerie

5. “This past weekend, Mak and I celebrated our 5th anniversary with a weekend getaway to Nemacolin Woodlands Resort. I found out the building was modeled after the Ritz in Paris. How gorgeous! And, for Bachelor fans, this was one of the stops in JoJo’s season!.” -Valerie

6. “A fun photo shoot corner for today’s National Stationery Show stylings!” -Alivia

Whole Food's Lily & Val greeting card display at the South Hills store in Pittsburgh, PA, Penne pasta home cooked meal, just because flowers in yellow, pink and orange7“It was so exciting to walk into my local Whole Foods that had it’s grand opening this week and see a full display of our cards! They are also carrying our Keepsake Kitchen Diary and featuring it in their “local artists” section. So awesome!” -Maureen

8. “I had a very rare night by myself with nothing to do so I treated myself to my favorite pasta ever. It is SO easy to make, but tastes divine! Whole wheat pasta, sausage, kale, chicken stock and pecorino romano cheese are the only ingredients!” -Maureen

9. “A dear friend who moved to North Carolina a few years ago sent me “just because” flowers. I adore the colors and even better…I’ve managed to keep them alive for more then a week!” –Maureen

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