At Home DIY

Simple DIY Nursery Mobile

You know by now that we have lots of fun things for babies on the mind lately! There are just so many options our there for nursery decor that it is nice to add in some pieces that are special and unique to your babies special space.

This DIY nursery mobile will not only look lovely and entertain your little one, but it is  a super fun and inexpensive project for anyone in the family to complete. Consider making one with some older siblings as they await the arrival of your newest family member.

For this project you will need:

-Embroidery hoops (wooden or metal depending on your taste, but wood is lighter and easier to work with)

-Embroidery floss (available at most craft stores in a wide range of colors)


-Hot glue gun (low temp is best for little helpers)


-Paint (to make your wood embroidery hoop another color )

-Embroidery floss bobbins ( to make wrapping and storage easier)

DIY Nursery Mobile

Choose colors that best match your color scheme. Try using high contrast colors for a few of your selections, since this is what will be most stimulating for your babies developing vision.

Super Simple DIY Nursery Mobile

When using the wooden embroidery hoops, only use the interior hoop that does not have the clasp. This will make it easier to balance your mobile.

Embroidery Hoops to make a DIY Nursery Mobile

The first step is to overlap the beginning of your embroidery floss in your first few wraps. Continue wrapping in one layer, tightly, for as wide of an area as you like.

Embroidery floss DIY Nursery Mobile

Next, string your embroidery floss directly across the hoop. Continue wrapping your color in the opposite direction as you did on the previous side. this will allow for a “x” pattern to appear as your return to the side where your began.

DIY Embroidery hoop Baby Mobile

Use a small dot of hot glue on the inside of the hoop to secure the cut end of your floss. Continue the same step with your next color selection perpendicular to your first. Continue this all the way around your hoop until you are happy with your colors and pattern.

DIY Mobile

DIY Nursery Mobile

From this stage, you could do so many things to complete your mobile. I chose to use a small wooden toy that is special to us. This little wooden airplane was available on amazon, but you could use any little plush, wooden, wool, or other little toy or ornamentation. Even using wool felt balls in a playful pattern could be fun.

Custom DIY Nursery Mobile

Find the center of your embroidery floss web and loop another piece of embroidery floss through to your desired length. Tie this piece to your toy and make sure it is balanced before tying and trimming.

DIY Mobile

DIY Nursery Mobile

Lastly, You will want to tie two perpendicular pieces of embroidery floss to the top side of the mobile. Use two equal length pieces of floss, spaced equally apart across each other. This will allow you to hang and level your nursery mobile.

If you make your mobile heavier with more decorative elements, be sure to add two or more top pieces from which to hang the mobile securely.

DIY Nursery Mobile

Just trim where you tied your knots and VOILA! you have a beautiful and completely custom mobile for your special little one to enjoy for years to come!

They will love looking through this colorful display as it moves gently overhead.

DIY Nursery Mobile

DIY Nursery Mobile


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