In the Kitchen Inspiration

Best-Ever Roasted Chicken – Keepsake Kitchen Diary Recipe

Hello everyone! Those who know me know that I prefer to be inventive in the kitchen. I get bored with recipes easily. However, there are some times you must rely on the experts. I have been a vegetarian since I was 9 (a weird kid, I know) and just don’t like meat personally. What I love more than anything is making dinner for friends and family. Entertaining is my love language…and I love a lot of carnivores! This recipe helped me to make my first WHOLE roast chicken. Yes, I, a very squeamish person, was able to make a whole bird. You can too!

A family cookbook and memory keeper: The Keepsake Kitchen Diary holds your most precious recipes and the stories that go with them

This recipe is a result of my love of teaching culinary classes for 4 years and being obsessed with Americas Test Kitchen. I trust their expertise and love how they explain the science of why the instructions are so detailed.  I am a firm believer that if you understand flavors and the science behind your cooking techniques, you can make anything delicious! Many recipes in my Keepsake Kitchen Diary are from family or made up in my own kitchen, but this one was a hit, and too good to not add to my book.

A family cookbook and memory keeper: The Keepsake Kitchen Diary holds your most precious recipes and the stories that go with them A family cookbook and memory keeper: The Keepsake Kitchen Diary holds your most precious recipes and the stories that go with them

The instructions call for very simple salt (I think Pink Himalayan works best) and pepper seasonings, but, of course, I have tried many other flavors of herbs and spices too. The important part of this recipe is the method of cooking, and I love how much space I had to make those very important notes!

When filling out my pages I usually keep things pretty simple. I like to use color and placement to emphasize the most important aspects of each recipe. The “NOTES” section was the perfect place to highlight why this recipe produces such a tender moist chicken with the perfect crispy skin.

A family cookbook and memory keeper: The Keepsake Kitchen Diary holds your most precious recipes and the stories that go with them A family cookbook and memory keeper: The Keepsake Kitchen Diary holds your most precious recipes and the stories that go with them

I also love using coordinating washi tape to make borders and light markers to highlight section titles. Having a clear visual when cooking is really important to me and these highlights help me stay on track…and just look pretty!

A family cookbook and memory keeper: The Keepsake Kitchen Diary holds your most precious recipes and the stories that go with them

I also love coloring in the little illustrated elements with coordinating colors to each recipe. I like to use a color scheme for each dinner I host. I use that same color scheme when filling out the pages that I add to my Keepsake Kitchen Diary from that meal. This is another nice way to preserve memories from a special meal shared with friends and family.

A family cookbook and memory keeper: The Keepsake Kitchen Diary holds your most precious recipes and the stories that go with them

I encourage you to try this recipe. The method truly makes sense and the result is flawless every time. It’s just so nice to have those reliable main dishes that you know will please all of your guests! So here is the recipe for you to try for your next get-together. Enjoy!


1/2 tsp. Pepper
1 tbsp. Kosher Salt & Pink Himalayan Sea salt mixed (other dried herbs and spices can be added)
1 tbsp. Olive Oil
1 Whole Chicken (3.5-4 lb. Cleaned)

Equipment: 12 ” cast iron skillet & a digital meat thermometer


  • Place rack in the middle of the oven
  • Place 12″ cast iron skillet in the oven, Heat oven to 450°F
  • Prep chicken, pat dry, rub oil & spices all over the bird
  • Tie the legs together & tuck the wings in (this keeps them from burning because they cook quicker than other parts of the bird)
  • Place breast side UP in the HOT skillet (This jumpstarts the cooking of the thighs, helping the bird to cook evenly and making the skin crispy!)
  • Roast in oven until breast is 120°F/ thighs 135°F (about 25-30 min)
  • Turn the oven OFF, leaving the chicken in the oven until the breast is 160°F/ thighs 175°F (about 25 to 30 min)
  • Transfer to a carving board (use a wooden spoon inside the bird to pick it up safely)
  • Let rest uncovered for about 20 min. Serve and Enjoy!

Tip: Making a sauce in the cast iron skillet is a great way to uses the drippings. This is also a fun place to get creative with your seasonings. Add some chicken broth and simmer with onion and garlic on the stovetop. Toss in some fresh herbs and you have an amazing sauce for your chicken!


A family cookbook and memory keeper: The Keepsake Kitchen Diary holds your most precious recipes and the stories that go with themI hope you guys give this recipe a try and spend some time making memories to add to your Keepsake Kitchen Diary! Have fun making this dish and crafting your KKD page to coordinate!



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