In the Kitchen

The Ultimate Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

The phrase”gluten free” makes me cringe. Why would one remove the very item that makes everything so darn good (besides butter)? Steadfast in my preconception, I arrive at my first day on the Lily & Val team. This team is very special for a slew of reasons, but most noteworthy is that many of them are gluten intolerant (AH!). Imagine my horror when I could not use my best confectionary delights to bribe their affections! Enter – the ultimate gluten free chocolate chip cookie recipe.

The Awakening

The McKeehan’s (Valerie and Mak, owners of L&V) arrived with a suspiciously large bag of cookies one morning. I mean, 2 gallon zippy bag large. Mak brushed this off as an excuse for experimenting with the new chalk recipe print for chocolate cookies:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe | chalk art printOblivious, I ate one. Then another. And another. These were incredible! What was the secret recipe? “The lack of gluten….and some tweaks,” was my answer. Valerie & Mak had years of practice experimenting with gluten free concoctions before they were widely available in bakeries and stores – and it showed! I liked this cookie. No…loved this cookie. And without further ado, here is the recipe – tips, tricks and all!

The Ultimate Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies on Lily & Val Living

The Ultimate Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

C O M B I N E :

  • – 1 1/2 cups of butter
  • – 1 tbsp. vanilla
  • – 2 eggs
  • – 1 1/4 cup granulated sugar (If you prefer flat, chewy cookies, use all granulated sugar instead of brown sugar)
  • – 1 1/4 cup brown sugar (for thicker, softer cookies, use all brown sugar instead of granulated sugar)

S T I R  I N :

  • – 4 cups Better Batter flour substitute
  • – 2 tbsp. baking soda
  • – 1 tsp. salt (to optimize a salty sweet combo, add another 1/2 tsp of salt)
  • – 4 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

B A K E :

Drop rounded tbsp of cookie dough onto baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

W R I T E :

Write down the recipe in your Keepsake Kitchen Diary! Shown below, the Kitchen Diary is currently available for pre-order for arrival before Mother’s Day.

Enjoy! What are your favorite add-in’s for chocolate chip cookies? Tell us in the comments below!

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