
Free Small Business Saturday Graphics to Share the Shop Small Love This Holiday Season

I just LOVE this time of year! I love the anticipation of Thanksgiving and the official kick-off holiday season. I love the shopping, decorations, excuse to drink lots of hot cocoa, and traditions. I also love that every Saturday after Thanksgiving has become known to us all as Small Business Saturday. This day is something we hold dear here at Lily & Val.

The team that you see below is a tiny one, but these are the people that make Lily & Val run day in and day out. We are a small, but mighty bunch, passionate about what we do. I want you to know that we don’t take for granted a single dollar that you spend with us. It is FELT and appreciated more than I can say. It has allowed me to do what I love and create a life. Grateful doesn’t begin to describe how I feel.

I also wanted to take a minute to tell you my own personal story and why celebrating small business is important to me…

My Dad worked in the steel mills of Pittsburgh, but right around the time I was born in the 80’s, he (and many other steelworkers) were permanently laid off. My Mom and Dad describe this as an extremely scary time filled with uncertainty and worry.

So my Dad got creative. What looked like a dark spot in their lives turned into motivation. He started a business selling auto parts and fixing cars with nothing except a drive to provide.

That business ended up being the best thing that could have happened. It was certainly not easy – just the opposite in fact – but my parents were then able to build a life they didn’t think was possible.

Consequently, as a small-town Pennsylvania girl watching her Father run his small business, I learned. All my life I was led by his example and he taught me the values of working hard and never limiting myself. He always told me I could be anything I wanted. I’ve carried that through the years and today it’s a huge part of what defines me.

Your support of small businesses changes lives for generations.

I know that’s a big statement, but I truly believe it. I’m a testament to it. So, thank you again from the bottom of my heart for supporting small business. It truly means the world.

Free Graphics For You To Share The Small Business Love this Holiday Season

In honor of Small Business Saturday 2018, I put together these hand-drawn graphics! I hope you will join me in spreading the Small Business love this year. Please feel free to share and tag @lilyandval! Click on the images and it will open a new window with a higher resolution file perfect for sharing on social media. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Free Hand-Drawn Graphic to share the Shop Small Love on Small Business Saturday

Free Hand-drawn Shop Small graphic to share the love on Small Business Saturday

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