Behind the Scenes

Chalkboard Project: So Delicious Dairy Free

This month I had the opportunity to work with an amazing brand and group of people – So Delicious Dairy Free! I suffer from food allergies and So Delicious has an array of delightful dairy-free milk, creamers, and frozen dessert products that I have been a huge fan of for a long time. I was extremely excited to have the chance to work with them to produce artwork for their 2014 Natural Products Expo West tradeshow booth! The Natural Products Expo West held in Anaheim, California is the world’s largest natural, organic, and healthy products event. A huge component of this year’s So Delicious display was chalkboard signage, an interactive chalkboard, and unexpected chalkboard details.  Their slogan is “Say yes to what you love” and I was able to reiterate this message through cute heart illustrations and fun elements.


Above: This design was drawn ahead of time and produced as one of the panels hanging around the entire second story of the tradeshow booth. The “upstairs” portion was turned into a conference room for meetings and presentations.



The back side of the booth consisted of a wall made of gorgeous, rustic wood and a large chalkboard. This drawing was part of the on-site projects completed the day before the show. The board was created to invite people to “share the love” and leave a note to the brand.


Below: The finished back side of the booth complete with TV presentations and real love notes from adoring consumers written on pretty cards.


So Delicious offers dairy-free creamers and they were also introducing a new product called cococcino! Cococcino is a DF coffee beverage meant to be served cold. (P.S. I tried both the mocha and latte flavors and am officially hooked. They are now being carried at Whole Foods! Yay!) To promote these items they constructed a coffee shop as part of their display and hired a professional barista to create fabulous DF drinks. Expo-goers walked up to the “window” to order and could enter the seating area inside the structure designed to feel like a cozy living room.


More chalk details that I absolutely loved: chalkboard stairs and shelving backs!   The message on the stairs leading to the conference area was such a nice surprise and the shelves lined the entire front of the “coffee shop window.”  These details really added something special and the illustrations were a blast to draw.  The fabulous, branded mugs in the photo were hand made by  Eugene, Oregon ceramic artist, Holly Christensen.


Pictured below: a close up of the second panel drawn ahead of time and displayed around the top floor of the structure.



The completed booth! 10

I even got to do some live, custom chalk drawings for a few giveaway winners! On the left photo I am prepping the boards with So Delicious branding. (Oh my do I miss that California sunshine!) Each winner told me a name and I  drew it on the board for them to keep.11

I have to give a shout out to this guy – my husband, business manager, organizer, and constant support. It was an awesome 4 days in California and we were thrilled to be part of it!


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