Behind the Scenes

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #83

Pretty Ordinary gives you a sneak peek into Lily & Val behind the scenes! On Lily & Val Living!

For this week’s Pretty Ordinary Friday #83, we’re documenting snapshots of our week. While our pictures may not be the prettiest or the most interesting, we enjoyed each instance and want to remember them! These are the behind-the-scenes, in-between moments – the small peeks that would otherwise be forgotten. Join us as we use this series to scrapbook the unedited, memorable happenings at Lily & Val and what is inspiring our team!

The team says:

1. “A peek at something I was working on this week using my iPad Pro and Apple pencil!” – Valerie

2. “Wild roses in process. I stayed up late and drew these just for fun. A goal of mine this year is to create simply for the sake of creating!” – Valerie

3“The Christmas decorations got put away this week. It feels good to be refreshed! This is a little faux centerpiece arrangement I made for Valentine’s Day and I love it on this Anthropologie table runner I got for Christmas.” – Valerie 

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #83 with Surprise Box planning, ribbon letters and warm, cuddly Boxer puppies

4“Some planning going on for an upcoming Lily & Val Surprise Box!!” – Valerie

5. “I drew this letter “L” to participate in the Letter Archive project on Instagram! The ribbon style is one of my favorites and works perfectly with this letter.” – Valerie

6. “It was bitterly cold here in Southwestern PA last week. I think my pups have the right idea. They pretty much lived here all week!” – Nicole

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