Behind the Scenes

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #95

Pretty Ordinary gives you a sneak peek into Lily & Val behind the scenes! On Lily & Val Living!

For this month’s Pretty Ordinary Friday #95, we’re documenting snapshots of our month. While our pictures may not be the prettiest or the most interesting, we enjoyed each instance and want to remember them! These are the behind-the-scenes, in-between moments – the small peeks that would otherwise be forgotten. Join us as we use this series to scrapbook the unedited, memorable happenings at Lily & Val and what is inspiring our team!

The team says:

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #95 with Fall launch sneak peeks, selfies with Luke Bryan and coconut water sipping1. “Black sketchy leaves for Fall! I can’t wait to reveal the entire collection!” – Valerie

2. “Ok, this is NOT ordinary at all – I got to meet Luke Bryan! What an amazing evening and a great concert!” – Valerie

3“I randomly bought a coconut the other day and sipped the water out of it through a straw at my desk! A little tropical vibe really brightened my workday. It’s the little things!” – Valerie 

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #95 with personal training with family, open shelving with sneak peeks for Fall and summer selfies4“I’m not going to lie, there are benefits to having a brother that is a personal trainer. He just started his new business, Henderson Personal Training & Performance, and I am so proud of him!” – Valerie

5. “Fall photo shoot peek! I couldn’t get over this open kitchen shelving!” – Valerie

6. “Summer weekend selfie!” – Valerie

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #95 with pretty messes, croissants from France and poppies in the weeds7. “We have pretty messes on shoot days!” – Valerie

8. “The first croissant of each visit is always the best!” – Emily

9. “Poppies are my favorite flower…mostly because they just grow everywhere they can. The “weeds” of France are just so beautiful!” – Emily

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #95 with quiet morning sketches, simply elegant centerpieces and summer picnic spreads10. “Spent some quiet mornings on our trip to France sketching some of my favorite places.” – Emily

11. “My dear cousin threw a little get together the other night…and she makes the most simple gatherings so beautiful!” – Emily

12. “These are the kind of picnics that inspired my picnic blog series a while back. Love tomato on baguettes!” – Emily

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #95 with historic details, art from the Louvre and fireworks shows

13. “The details of historic places are always the best.” – Emily

14. “The Louvre has a special Delacroix exhibit right now. He is one of my favorite artists, so seeing his sketch books, journals, and palettes was incredible!” – Emily

15. “What is better than a great fireworks show? Being able to watch the whole show from your neighbor’s yard.” – Nicole

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #95 with Indianapolis architecture, boys will be boys and Lily & Val in our home

16. “I visited Indianapolis for a conference and was blown away by how beautiful it was! So much gorgeous architecture and incredible food!” – Nicole

17. “He came running in the house saying ‘we painted ourselves mom!’ After yelling at him to get out of the house, I had to laugh and document. Boys will be boys, right?” – Nicole

18. “Added a new print to my dining room and I would say it fits perfectly with the new paint job!” – Nicole


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