Behind the Scenes

Meet Alivia – L&V Marketing Coordinator

You guys! This week was such an exciting week with the addition of two new team members!ย I’m thrilled to introduce you to Alivia Chapla, L&V’s new Marketing Coordinator! You will be hearing from her via our social media platforms, emails, and more! We’re so happy to have her as part of the team. Welcome, Alivia!

Meet Alivia- Lily & Val's Marketing Coordinator in Pittsburgh PAA little about me: Born with a (broken) crayon or two in my hand, I have never been without the desire to create. In a few short decades, I graduated from illegally branding my mother’s kitchen floor to delightedly earning a well-rounded fine arts degree with a minor in marketing. With both Van Gogh and Forbes on my side, I found myself blazing a path that would eventually lead to a perfect fit here at Lily & Val. As a proud advocate of this welcoming team and their carefully created pieces, I can’t wait to begin communicating with all of you (daily, I hope!) through the lens of this remarkable, thoughtful brand.

Coffee or Tea? Coffeeeeeeee forever, but tea for some adventure every now and then.

Cake or Pie? Whichever has more icing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Favorite Christmas Movie? Ovaltine, anyone? Gotta love A Christmas Story.

Guilty pleasure? Really bad pop songs. Please don’t tell my friends.

Last book you read? This special book series will most likely be the first and last I will ever read: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Favorite place to be? Home. How wonderful it is to be able to have a home where you can step in the door and immediately feel your cares of the day melt away!

Words to live by: “Beeeeee Yourself,” courtesy of Genie from Aladdin.

Favorite L&V Product? Any of our products with the flamingo drawing and motto, “Stand Tall, Darling”. The message reminds me of the positive attitude we all need to have about ourselves. Plus, flamingos have always had a special place in my heart, as I am also rather lanky – but not quite as pink!

Meet Alivia Chapla - Lily & Val's Marketing Coordinator

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