In the Kitchen

In The Kitchen: Egg Nog Recipe

Sometimes the holiday season can get away from us and we spend too much time finding the perfect gift, or sending all those Christmas cards, that we forget to enjoy this brief, magical time of the year.  This season can be such a refreshing time to really slow down, to savor long-running traditions, or create a special recipe with flavors and aromas only meant for Christmastime.  Egg Nog is one flavor that brings memories of Christmas with just one sip.  The recipe print Val created of this holiday classic made me realize how easy it was to make it myself!



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Slow down and take the time to create something delicious for the holidays.  Enlist loved ones to assist you in the kitchen and enjoy making new memories that will last a lifetime.  I so enjoy serving people something that I made with them in mind- and I can’t wait to have my dad take a sip of this Egg Nog!

Purchase the print here. It’s available as a card, too!

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