Behind the Scenes

Inspired Retreat 2015

Last September, I had the privilege of attending and speaking at Inspired Retreat held at the most cozy bed & breakfast, Evins Mill, in Tennessee. After a wonderful 4 days of connecting with fellow women entrepreneurs in an intimate setting and learning from talented speakers on a range of topics, I left Inspired feeling motivated, refreshed, and ready to put what I learned into action.


I’m pleased to say that I will be joining another incredible group of ladies and speaking at Inspired Retreat 2015 being held April 19-22. My session topic focuses on success with Etsy & online retail. Read about the amazing lineup of speakers and mentors here. I respect and admire all of these women. One of the best parts about Inspired is that you can choose your experience. A vast range of topics will be covered through breakout sessions and you can choose what appeals most to your business.


Who will benefit from Inspired? 

Inspired is for passionate and heart driven designers, makers, shop owners, bloggers, photographers, artists and most creative women-owned businesses.

The day-to-day of running your business can leave you feeling lonely and overwhelmed. Connecting with like-minded women while discussing real business advice in this perfect setting is invaluable. Since the experience is all-inclusive, you don’t need to worry about a thing. Amber Housley and her talented team meticulously plans each detail, providing a unique, relaxing conference experience unlike any other.


I do hope you will join me!

All the details for registration and what to expect can be found at inspiredtheretreat.com. Seats are limited to 30 attendees in order to provide an intimate retreat so be sure to guarantee your spot before they are gone.

Early bird registration rates are available until February 28th. Save even more (another $200 OFF!)  by using code LILY&VAL at checkout!

Inspired: The Retreat from Amber Housley on Vimeo.


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