Behind the Scenes

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #47

8Pretty Ordinary gives you a sneak peek into Lily & Val behind the scenes! On Lily & Val Living!

For this week’s Pretty Ordinary Friday #47, we’re documenting snapshots of our week. While our pictures may not be the prettiest or the most interesting, we enjoyed each instance and want to remember them! These are the behind-the-scenes, in-between moments – the small peeks that would otherwise be forgotten. Join us as we use this series to scrapbook the unedited, memorable happenings at Lily & Val and what is inspiring our team!

The team says:

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #47 showcases new products for Mother's Day, Lily and Val notecards, 2017 Lily and Val holiday collection1. “There’s a brand new product in this photo and I’m SO excited to release it!! Hint: it smells good and makes a great Mother’s Day gift!! ;)” Valerie

2. “We sent 11 new cards to the printer this week! Checking the proofs & press sheets!” –Valerie

3“Believe it or not, I’ve been working on holiday designs all week! (such is the retail calendar!) I can’t wait to tell everyone about the 2017 theme, but until then, here’s a small peek of one design!” -Valerie

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #47 shares vintage handbag from Highway Robbery Vintage in Pittsburgh, spring flowers, music t-shirt4“I was so excited to find this 1940’s lucite-handled bag at Highway Robbery Vintage in Pittsburgh!I will be carrying it all summer long.” -Valerie

5. “My absolute favorite Easter flower- grape hyacinths! The fragrance instantly takes me back to my childhood.” -Valerie

6. “Gearing up for a concert in Pittsburgh this weekend with the perfect shirt” -Alivia

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #47 posts about Faux flower workshop at Lily and Val, easter eggs, birthday cakes7“Had the pleasure of taking our Faux Floral Workshop this weekend – I learned so much & my front door feels so much more welcoming!” -Alivia

8. “My daughter and I dyed Easter eggs this week.  This masterpiece by my 5 year old is my favorite!” –Maureen

9. “When your dad is in charge of the cake for your moms birthday and you assume he thought of candles…you end up placing tea lights around the outside instead.” –Maureen


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