Behind the Scenes

Etsy Featured Shop + Shiny New Photos Of The Pittsburgh Studio

Hi Friends! How is your summer going? It is flying by here at the L&V studio, which by the way, has MOVED!  Mak and I are absolutely loving our new home and studio in the wonderful city of Pittsburgh, PA. I grew up in this area so moving here felt like coming home. We are settling in well and enjoying every opportunity we can to explore our new, urban neighborhood. Moving into a new studio called for some shiny new photos. Not to mention, I had another SUPER awesome reason to get updated shots: Etsy contacted me to be a Featured Shop in July!!!! (Eeeeee!) This was truly an honor and something I have aspired to since opening my Etsy shop. Seeing the feature go live was surreal. I have no words. I invite you to read the feature and full interview here. So in order to prep for this amazing feature, I contacted the talented Alyssa of Chasing Eden Photography! I loved spending the day with her capturing this new space. She is a pleasure to work with and such a sweetheart! In addition to the new space, Alyssa beautifully captured my process and a few fun shots with Mak. As per usual, he made me laugh the whole time. Here are just some of my favorites: blog_LV1
Many of the designs being created in the photos are now available in the shop, too! Thank you all for your support and thank you, Etsy for this opportunity. I’m blessed. Xoxo, Val

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