Behind the Scenes

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #79

Pretty Ordinary gives you a sneak peek into Lily & Val behind the scenes! On Lily & Val Living!

For this week’s Pretty Ordinary Friday #79, we’re documenting snapshots of our week. While our pictures may not be the prettiest or the most interesting, we enjoyed each instance and want to remember them! These are the behind-the-scenes, in-between moments – the small peeks that would otherwise be forgotten. Join us as we use this series to scrapbook the unedited, memorable happenings at Lily & Val and what is inspiring our team!

The team says:

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #79 with iPad Pro rose sketches, White Space Magazine prints and New Years' Eve 2017 preparation

1. “I was trying out a loose, sketchy style on my iPad pro! I love the movement and feel of it.” – Valerie

2. “‘Just as white space in design allows your eye to focus on what’s most important, the same holds true in life.’ I LOVE these wise words and print from White Space Magazine. A great reminder.” – Valerie

3“2018 will be here before we know it! You can look for this chalk art download coming to the shop soon!” – Valerie 

Lily & Val Presents: Pretty Ordinary Friday #79 with L&V cards at Trader Joe's, hosting friends with Grandma's china and meeting lattes4“L&V spotted at Trader Joe’s!” – Valerie

5. “We entertained friends over the weekend and I was able to break out Mak’s grandmother’s china and our gold flatware! Also, I took this photo with Mak’s new iPhone X! I can’t get over the quality.” – Valerie

6. “My first latte in over a month! I needed to avoid it for some health reasons, but was cleared to have it again in moderation! I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a latte more. This day was also exciting because we were brainstorming some exciting things for 2018!” – Valerie

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