Behind the Scenes

Pretty Ordinary Friday #22

Pretty Ordinary gives you a sneak peek into Lily & Val behind the scenes! On Lily & Val Living!

For the Pretty Ordinary series, we’re documenting snapshots of our week that may not be the prettiest or the most interesting, but we enjoyed each instance and want to remember them! These are the behind-the-scenes, in-between moments – the small peeks that would otherwise be forgotten. Join us as we use this series to scrapbook the unedited, memorable happenings at Lily & Val and what is inspiring our team!


“Another gorgeous photo from our morning trip to Soergel’s Orchard! This row of sunflowers was stunning!” – Valerie

Tombow pens and a pretty pumpkin patch Chicago skylines and Holly Nichols Illustrations on this week's Pretty Ordinary Friday!1. “Sending Fall snail mail! I decorated the envelope with drawn leaves using the fine tip of Tombow Dual Brush Pens!” -Valerie

2. “The Lily & Val Flagship & Office at dusk! The weather has been perfect for leaving the office doors open. I will be sad when winter comes and we need to keep them closed.” -Valerie

3. “I visited a local Pittsburgh pumpkin patch this weekend (Soergel’s Orchard) with L&V merchandising director, Emily! We had so much fun and of course stopped to take a photo (or two..or three…)” -Valerie

Chicago skylines and Holly Nichols Illustrations on this week's Pretty Ordinary Friday!

4. “I got to spend the most beautiful Saturday in Chicago with my three sisters and mom!  We had a great time walking around the city, I never get tired of these amazing churches!” – Emily

5. “I love this Holly Nichols illustration so much, sometime I end up looking like her!  On Tuesday I had my hair in a top knot and berry lipstick on and my mom said I looked like this beauty – I took it as a compliment!” – Emily

6. “My kitchen chalkboard got an update for Fall! I love using this board as a no-pressure, creative outlet!” – Valerie


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