
DIY Recylced Outdoor Planters

As you can tell from our previous posts, we love to recycle old, unused objects and make them into something special – like flower planters!  We had so much fun finding unique vases for simple flower arrangements that we decided to take it outside!

Containers for the outdoors have to be a little more weather-proof than the ones you would use indoors, and we also think they should be quite a bit larger to make a nice, bright statement!  To find these unique planters, I wandered through antique shops with open eyes and an open mind.  Some of these objects you may normally overlook, which makes it all the more fun to figure out how to recycle them!

Outdoor planter inspiration via Lily & Val Living

Keep in mind: An important thing to note  when it comes to turning regular objects into planters is the drainage. Be sure to first line the bottom of your container with small rocks before placing the soil on top.

The first thing I found was this metal lock box.  Immediately I thought it was a great size and such a unique find for a planter!  I filled it with bright leafy plants, which will eventually grow and overflow out of the edge- which I love!  The lid is also stiff enough that I didn’t need to worry about propping it open.

Antique finds turn into beautiful outdoor planters via Lily & Val Living

The second container I found was this vintage ball jar.  You can never go wrong with a ball jar! What I liked about this particular one I found at the antique shop was the cool lettering and texture of the glass.  This is a smaller object to use outdoors, but perfect to use as a centerpiece for your patio furniture!  You can also group three or four jars together to make a larger arrangement or fill them with herbs for an interactive table centerpiece!

Antique finds turn into beautiful outdoor planters via Lily & Val Living

Lastly, as I was walking through the store,  these vintage coffee cans caught my eye and I knew had to get one!  The colors, the typography, and the shape were just what I was looking for! Vintage cans like these can be very expensive (some over $50.00!) but I spotted this lovely blue one for only $5.00!  To go along with the color scheme of this can, I filled it with a spray of beautiful blue flowers that will continue to grow and spill out.  I also loved this planter idea because the metal was already a little rusted so rain would only make it look cooler!

Antique finds turn into beautiful outdoor planters via Lily & Val Living

These are just a few of the many amazing unique planters you can find at a resale or antique shop.  I love that they add personality and style to any outdoor area and make a beautiful home for all those lovely outdoor plants in the summertime.

Antique finds turn into beautiful outdoor planters via Lily & Val Living

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