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Print Sale for COVID-19 Relief + A Free Download

Dear Lily & Val Family,

Like all of us, I’ve been running through a gamut of emotions these last few days about the situation with COVID-19. My heart breaks for those infected with the virus, but also the extreme financial turmoil and stress this is causing so many people: the parent unable to work due to a lack of childcare, friends in the service and event industries facing a loss of income, small businesses forced to lay off employees, and many more who are just unable to work due to shutdowns. So much is uncertain and unprecedented right now and there’s a cloud of fear hanging around us.

I kept thinking “what can I do to help? How can I use the resources I have?โ€

This is a small gesture, but I think that every small gesture matters and can add up to a big impact. So, for the next week, 100% of the sale of all prints on lilyandval.com will be donated to relieve those who are in dire need right now. The entire gross sale of the prints (minus shipping costs) will be donated.

Print Sale for COVID-19 relief

At the end of the week (3/28/20), I will be divvying up the funds to a Virtual Tip Jar set up to bring aid to those in the service industry. Here in Pittsburgh, PA all of our restaurants and other non-essential businesses have been closed and I know it is that way in many areas.

If you are financially suffering during this time or facing a loss of income, I know that words may feel empty right now, but I am praying for a breakthrough, strength, and peace.

For those able to give, I invite you to use the opportunity to purchase a new piece of art to brighten your home (since weโ€™ll all be spending a lot more time inside!) and know that your money will be given to people who need it during a very scary time.

I really believe that if we all stick together and do what we can, we can make a big difference. Thank you all for being so amazing and for joining me! And, as always, thank you for your support of Lily & Val. It means the world to me. I love you all!


P.S. I can always count on the words of Mister Rogers to be soothing and uplifting. I’ve decided to bring back this print and offer it as a FREE digital download. The kindness of friends, neighbors, and strangers has been so heartwarming and more important than ever. Despite our distances or differences, we’re all in this together. I hope this little print brings a smile.

Mister Rogers Neighbor Free Hand-Drawn Download By Lily & Val

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