Hello, glorious SPRING! Over the cold winter months, I have immensely enjoyed escaping into Spring in my mind. I’ve spent my days (or I should say Vienna’s nap times) dreaming up and working on these new Spring prints. It is a thrill to finally unveil and share them with you.

The last year has brought with it a deeper connection to my work and I’ve noticed this the most with these Spring prints. The emphasis wasn’t on meeting a deadline, having a specific number of pieces to release, or needing to create a new collection for a specific season. Instead, it was a deep desire and almost need to create.
I didn’t really have a plan, I just drew. And out of that, a collection emerged. It was exhilarating!

There are eleven prints total including a brand new series- the Language of Flowers (keep reading for more about that!)
The collection in a nutshell:
Butterflies, words I need to hear right now, whimsical feelings I long for, a heavy dose of flowers, and more practically, the colors and style I want to decorate with right now! I hope you love them as much as I do!

The Language of Flowers
This past Christmas my sister-in-law gave me a book on the language of flowers called Floriography. The idea of flowers with meanings started in the Victorian era when proper etiquette dictated it was uncouth to blatantly express your true emotions. I was instantly intrigued and enamored with the idea of flowers holding secret meanings. It felt magical and special.
This gave me the idea to create my own Language of Flowers print series! I was excited to bring this old-fashioned concept to life in a modern way. These are the four I’ve completed so far as part of the Spring Collection. Let me know what other flowers you would like to see in this series!

Words Speaking To My Heart…
I’ve mentioned that in recent months I’ve struggled to find the words to express how I was feeling. This was a crisis for a hand-letterer! (As a side note: I’ve come to be extremely grateful for this crisis because otherwise, I would have never picked up a soft pastel and I continue to fall in love with learning this medium each day.)
This season, however, I came across several quotes that struck me deeply.
“And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself because I could find no language to describe them in.” And this lovely quote from Louisa May Alcott: “The humblest tasks get beautified if loving hands do them.” For now, the words are not my own, instead the poignant and deep words of figures from the past. But that is okay. These are words I want to surround myself with and I hope they resonate with you too.

I am so proud of this collection and I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Shop All Spring Here!

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