At Home DIY

How to Recharge with an At-Home Spa

Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!In the spirit of “hygge,” which is as fun to say as it looks, I thought I’d kick off January with a few at-home spa remedies to help capture this time of rejuvenation and renewal. The turn of a new year always brings with it new goals and new dreams, so what better way to begin your biggest year yet than with a clear head and well-exfoliated skin?

To refresh your body, I’ll show you how to make an oatmeal + milk bath; for your face – a ground coffee scrub. Then, we’ll do a steam facial to open up those pores and a lemon honey foot scrub to start the year off on the right foot (ba-dum tss).

Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Oatmeal + Milk Bath


1 cup whole fat powdered/instant milk

1/2 cup oats

1/4 cup baking soda

10 drops of your favorite essential oil (I used lemongrass)


Grind the oats in a food processor or coffee grinder and mix in a medium-sized bowl with the cup of powdered milk. Add the baking soda and essential oil and stir until combined. Empty your oatmeal and milk bath into a sealable container. To use, scoop about 1/4 cup into a warm bath and stir. This is great for calming problem skin.

*Recipe was adapted from The Idea Room.

Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Vanilla + Almond Coffee Scrub


1 cup freshly ground coffee beans

1 cup granulated brown sugar

2 tbsp coconut oil

2 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp almond extract

1 tbsp Vitamin E oil (optional)


Grind your coffee beans until you have 1 cup of grounds. Mix all other ingredients in a bowl and press until they become a scrub consistency. Add more coconut oil or Vitamin E oil if your consistency is too dry – add more coffee grounds if it’s too wet. Place in a sealable container. Caffeine is great for waking up tired eyes! It’s like drinking coffee, but even more potent when applied topically.

This scrub and the oatmeal milk bath would also make great gifts since they don’t need to be refrigerated – who wouldn’t love to be given an at-home spa kit?

Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Basil and Sage Steam Facial



Fresh basil

Fresh sage

Essential oil (again, I used lemongrass)


Fill a pot with water and place on the stove to boil over high heat. Once it’s boiling, turn the heat down to medium-high and add basil and sage leaves. Remove the pot from heat after about thirty seconds. For the facial, place a towel over the top of your head so it makes a tent to trap the heat and lower your face into the steam (be careful not to get too close!) for five to ten minutes.

It’s best to move your pot to a heat-safe surface where you can sit and relax and allow the steam to clean out your pores. Basil and sage are both great for skin – especially for soothing redness or calming acne.

Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Honey + Lemon Sugar Foot Scrub


1 cup white granulated sugar

1 tbsp olive oil

1 lemon

1 tbsp honey

Essential oil (you guessed it – lemongrass)


Cut the lemon in half and juice one of those halves into a large mixing bowl. Set the other half of the lemon aside. Stir into the bowl the cup of sugar, olive oil, honey, and 5-10 drops of your essential oil. Combine until you’ve reached a sticky, granulated consistency. Grate the remaining lemon rind and top the scrub with the shavings.

The lemon juice and lemongrass oil will act as a clarifying agent while the sugar exfoliates and the honey moisturizes! I’m hoping if I prepare my feet with this before my next pedicure the aesthetician won’t have to get out the sander.

Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Aside from these remedies, there are a few extra touches you can implement to really get that spa experience at home. Try drinking a sparkling water with lemon or cucumber while sitting in the oatmeal bath. Set aside some warm fresh-from-the-dryer towels for after, and a robe and slippers if you have them.

Boil two Chamomile tea bags in milk and then refrigerate until cool – place these on your eyes for a soothing alternative to the old cucumbers trick.

And, perhaps above all, put on a relaxing playlist for the whole she-bang. May I recommend one expertly curated by moi? Check it out below!

It’s worth mentioning that the extra oats and coffee beans on top of my bath and scrub are purely decoration. If you actually scoop them into the tub, you’ll have a tough time getting them out. If you guessed I learned this the hard way, you’d be right.

Need to recharge? Try these four at-home spa remedies including a coffee scrub, lemon foot scrub, oatmeal and milk bath, and herb steam facial to recharge. Click through for the recipes!Do you have any home remedies that would make for a great spa day? Please let us know in the comments if you try any of these recipes! And, as always, tag any photos (especially ones of you with tea bags on your eyes) with #lilyandvalliving.

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  • Reply Molly January 7, 2017 at 12:10 pm

    I love these fun at home remedies!!! I tried the coffee scrub, since I had all the ingredients, and it felt amazing! Thanks for the great ideas.

    • Reply Alivia Chapla January 11, 2017 at 11:12 am

      Yay! You’re welcome, Molly! It was quite fun hearing the test-run results from our blogger Kristen – she loved the coffee scrub and the lemon concoction smelled divine!

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