These humble flowers have stolen my heart lately! They are just so cheerful, quintessentially summer, and as I’ve come to realize, symbolize childhood in the Language of Flowers. The nostalgia, as usual, might be what is drawing me the most.
I thought I would do a round-up of all the daisy-themed art, products, and projects I’ve been working on this month!

First off, Vienna’s 2nd Birthday party! It was a daisy theme, of course. I loved drawing up these cute invitations and used the same drawings for June’s Free desktops wallpapers.

I enjoyed putting together these simple flower arrangements. To me, the secret to arranging daisies is a cheerful tangle of flowers that feels wild and fun. I used a combination of chamomile, baby’s breath, caspedia, wild daisies from my backyard, and white gerbera daisies in white vases.

The daisy balloon wall was another way I could incorporate the daisy theme! I just tied two white balloons then a yellow then two more white onto a string and tied the two ends of the string together. It naturally made the daisy cluster shape although it did take some adjusting when I hung them on the wall. Then, I filled in the gaps with baby’s breath flowers.

I really loved this simple daisy tablecloth because I can use it all summer!
The cake and cupcakes were homemade and then decorated with these royal icing daisies in both the .5 inch and 1 inch sizes.

The birthday girl in her daisy romper!

Because of the birthday party and finding out the meaning was “childhood & innocence”, I just HAD to add daisies to the Language of Flowers series!

You can find the daisy print in the Lily & Val shop.

And lastly, I was asked by my church to create another chalkboard wall for their women’s event called the Well now that in-person events are back! I was sad to erase this previous design, but filling it with huge daisies definitely made up for it. I’m pleased with how it turned out! You can watch it come to life on Instagram.

It has certainly been a daisy-filled June!! I wonder what flower will become my obsession next. ๐
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