
February Free Download | To-do List

February is the “month of love” – but we like to extend this thought to include self-care, self-love, and self-appreciation. After all, in the wise words of Oscar Wilde, “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” In addition to our monthly desktop background, we have this February free download for you as well. Print out the list, hang it in plain view, and check off the to-do’s as you go through the month!

Check off these fun to-dos with our February free download on Lily & Val LivingDownload February’s To-Do List HERE.

To help you check off these to-do’s here’s are a few ideas:

– Any little change to an everyday space can be a delight! Of course, we always suggest a decor update with a hand-drawn Lily & Val print – though, if that is not in the cards for you right now, we suggest a change in scent! Sheet & room sprays have been taking our local stores by storm, and we can show you how to make your own fresh lavender and citrus spray at home.

    • – Beat the winter blues by turning your mind towards warm weather! Even just planning for the day when the sun starts beating balmy rays on your short-sleeved shoulders can offer hope to your popsicle-d piggy-toes. We have a few tips for planning a great road trip to inspire you!

– There’s nothing like staying in bed for the morning, easing away the duties of the day. We suggest a nice breakfast in bed. Make it easy, make it delicious, and get back under those covers!
– Believe it or not, there are simple ways to level up your at-home confectionaries. In our recipe for lemon rose cupcakes, we began with a box mix (yes!) and added a few easy items to make them soar. Try it out!
– With winter in full swing, the constant cover of thick clothing can make for an easy excuse to ignore your skin. Take a morning to indulge in a cost-effective at-home spa day! We have suggestions for remedies that you most likely already have in your cupboard! Bonus: You have full reign of the music to enjoy – and sing along to!

– It’s easy to default to pouring the old stand-by drink after a long day. Make something different this time, and take a moment to enjoy the taste! This moscow mule recipe is a favorite amongst the staff.

Check off these fun to-dos during the month of February | Free download on Lily & Val LivingHave suggestions for a month of self-care? Let us know in the comments!

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